王安石《元日》- Wang Anshi: New Year's Day

 This one is a quickie. Just found it in that miniature poetry volume and since @SonOfHanfei was lamenting the fact that there's few translations of Wang Anshi's poems, I decided to do it. Not much else to add. Gave it my all as usual, but just like before I say that it might or might not be perfect.

Text source: 古典诗词200首,商务印书馆有限公司 2018年,北京 [200 Ancient Poems, The Commercial Press, 2018, Beijing] 

Wang Anshi: New Year's Day 

The year passes amidst the sound of petards, 
The spring wind mixes warmly with the Tusu-wine. 
The sun shines upon a thousand gates, ten-thousand doors,
Everyone takes the new peachwood talismans, and use them to replace the old ones. 

The esteemed Wang Anshi,
poet and stateman of the Song Dynasty
